PREVENTATIVE GOLD EXPOSED DURING WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING ~ USE OF IVERMECTIN AS A PROTECTIVE / PROPHYLACTIC: guarding from or preventing the spread or occurrence of disease or infection

First Source
Sunday, July 18, 2021



Written by Karen Ann Carr, Editor & Founder TheWHiteHouseSpin.Com


Preventive healthcare, or prophylaxis, consists of measures taken for disease prevention.  

To the dismay of some clinicians / doctors having direct contact with and responsibility for patients, rather than one involved with theoretical or laboratory studies; the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic was kicked to the curb after patients were, perhaps, intentionally overdosed on the drug in the early days of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many practicing Doctors have reported, Ivermectin is effective and reliable when taken at the correct dosage per a persons weight. This protective prophylactic might be helpful to children as well as adults. In fact, Ivermectin has been used by people in Uganda, east Africa for many years. Some theorist have questions about Ivermectins possible link to keeping COVID-19 infection rates down. Research needs to be done.  

On Friday, July 16, 2021 a White House Press Briefing spun into a very brief discussion about the use of prophylactics and misinformation. A journalist, some how, linked the use of prophylactics to proponents of theological conservatism as though preventive healthcare or prophylaxis measures taken for disease prevention is counterintuitive to liberalism and open-mindedness.  

Whereas, I generally endeavor to stay out of such conversations, now is the time for this conversation to become front and center.  

First of all, without directly assuming a side in this debate, without any doubt we can all assume Press Secretary Psaki did not say the White House was against the use of the prophylactic Ivermectin or any preventive approach to ending the global health care issue known COVID-19. It would be somewhat preposterous to even think such nonsense.  

Journalist, politicians and conservative and liberal folks whom love and support the rights of every individual are open to all options when it comes to ending pandemics. Human beings really need to lower the temperature of speech throughout the world. When it comes to health issues, such as a virus, everyone is operating on the same playing field. A healthy person can end up dead because the health community and clinicians and theoretical/laboratory doctors are still trying to figure out what is going on environmentally. COVID-19 is a symptomatic issue of unknown origin at this point. COVID-19 is an undesirable issue. Conservatives do not have all the answers, liberals do not have all of the answers, Dr. Anthony Fauci does not have the answers and neither does the CDC. The rights of every individual are at stack if we collectively do not stop the internal bigotry and healthcare bias and stratification. We need the best and brightest and strategic thinkers solving the pandemic issue. Persons whom have received the shot are still getting the virus and unfortunately dealing with its residual issues. In contrast, many of those adhering to prophylactics such as Ivermectin are not ill or getting COVID-19. So, something clearly is going on. Knowledge of what is going on might save lives.  

The question is are we collectively humble enough to admit we need to work together to solve this huge global problem? Mandating human activity and controlling people and publicly shaming people for being human is, frankly, not sustainable. Its time we collectively grow up and break the intellectual barriers between healthcare clinicians and theoretical healthcare researchers and biological theorists. I believe the United States government is capable of yielding to a more humble means of operation. Let's bring clinicians / doctors having direct contact with and responsibility for patients together with others working on theoretical or laboratory studies. We are collectively humble enough to admit we need to work together to solve this huge global problem.  

Moreover, we might need to begin working toward a immunization agent that is effective against COVID-19. Just a thought.  


Friday, July 16, 2021



White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki of the United States of America
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki of the United States of America convenes and participates in a White House Press Briefing at The White House West Wing's Brady Room in Washington, DC, U.S.A. on Friday, July 16th, 2021.



The WHite House ~ Friday, July 16, 2021 Biden/Harris Administration White House Press Briefing by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, July 16, 2021  

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room  


QUESTIONS: "And just to follow up on the health misinformation --"

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: "Or on virtually live, I should say. Yes."

QUESTION: "Following up on the health misinformation, do you consider claims by some in the conservative circles that ivermectin -- am I pronouncing that right? -- as a promising treatment for COVID as misinformation? I know that the FDA has weighed in on this -- I believe in March -- but I just wanted the administration's latest position on the drug."
WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: "Information that's inaccurate we consider misinformation. So I don't think it's more complicated than that. . . . ."



QUESTION: "Quickly, a clarifying question "span>


QUESTION: "-- on how you identify this misinformation. I'm wondering if you could tell us specifically how the administration identifies what is misinformation and how you flag it to Facebook? That's one."

Two is: How many times had the administration flagged this kind of information?"

"And then three, how long has this been going?"

"And then, finally, I know that you are deadly serious about this conversation. You talked about how this is life and death. But are there any types of safeguards that the administration is putting in place to make certain that they do not chill free speech while they are going after this kind of misinformation?"

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: "First of all, to be crystal clear: Any decision about platform usage and who should be on the platform is orchestrated and determined by private-sector companies. Facebook is one of them, right? And there are a range of media who are -- also have their own criteria and rules in place, and they implement them. And that's their decision to do. That is not the federal government doing that."

"It is life and death. It is a public health issue in the country. That's why the Surgeon General was here talking about it yesterday."

"There are trends, we can see, any -- you can all probably see on Facebook and other social media platforms. And so what we raise are issues like: there is a lot of information out there about -- about the false claim that COVID-19 causes infertility. Everyone in this room knows that's factually inaccurate. We raised for them, in our direct channels -- of which every administration has always had with every social media platform -- that we are seeing this trend. It's troubling. That information is inaccurate."

QUESTION: "But specifically, so you're not going after -- you're saying these are general areas of misinformation that you should take a look at --"


QUESTION: "-- and not specific posts."

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: "Yes, it is also publicly available who the individuals are who have -- who have spread most of the information. It wasn't publicly available by the United States government. It's publicly available information. So that's how it works."


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