President Biden and Vice President Harris Participate in a Secure Call With Their National Security Team


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First Source
Saturday, February 26, 2022 - Sunday, February 27, 2022


The White House Garden Event of Former First Lady Michelle Obama in Washington, DC, USA. | White House Photo by Karen Ann Carr / / SPIN PUBLISHING


Sunday, February 27, 2022
The United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance to Ukraine

"The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of State, is providing nearly $54 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Ukraine following Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified further invasion of Ukraine, which is expected to trigger increased needs.  

This additional assistance will support our partners to provide critically needed health care, safe drinking water, sanitation, hygiene supplies, and protection for vulnerable children. This includes critical emergency health supplies to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of people, as well as emergency food assistance to meet the immediate needs of 125,000 people. It also includes a delivery of high thermal blankets this week to help more than 18,500 people, including people displaced from their homes, disabled people, and older people, stay warm during the harsh winter. This follows USAID’s announcement that it has deployed a 17-member Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to the region to lead the U.S. humanitarian response to the crisis.  

The United States is the single largest donor of humanitarian assistance in Ukraine. Since the conflict began in 2014, the United States has provided nearly $405 million to vulnerable communities across Ukraine, including nearly $169 million from USAID and nearly $236 million from the Department of State. This includes food, safe drinking water, shelter, emergency health care, and winterization services to communities affected by ongoing fighting. This assistance is in addition to USAID development programming, which has ramped up in the wake of the crisis to respond to cyber attacks, disinformation, threats to the energy sector, essential health needs, and to support the continued functioning of local and national government entities."




Saturday, February 26, 2022
Joint Statement on Further Restrictive Economic Measures

"We, the leaders of the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States condemn Putin’s war of choice and attacks on the sovereign nation and people of Ukraine. We stand with the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people in their heroic efforts to resist Russia’s invasion. Russia’s war represents an assault on fundamental international rules and norms that have prevailed since the Second World War, which we are committed to defending. We will hold Russia to account and collectively ensure that this war is a strategic failure for Putin.  

This past week, alongside our diplomatic efforts and collective work to defend our own borders and to assist the Ukrainian government and people in their fight, we, as well as our other allies and partners around the world, imposed severe measures on key Russian institutions and banks, and on the architects of this war, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.  

As Russian forces unleash their assault on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, we are resolved to continue imposing costs on Russia that will further isolate Russia from the international financial system and our economies. We will implement these measures within the coming days.  

Specifically, we commit to undertake the following measures:  

First, we commit to ensuring that selected Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally.  

Second, we commit to imposing restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions.  

Third, we commit to acting against the people and entities who facilitate the war in Ukraine and the harmful activities of the Russian government. Specifically, we commit to taking measures to limit the sale of citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians connected to the Russian government become citizens of our countries and gain access to our financial systems.  

Fourth, we commit to launching this coming week a transatlantic task force that will ensure the effective implementation of our financial sanctions by identifying and freezing the assets of sanctioned individuals and companies that exist within our jurisdictions. As a part of this effort we are committed to employing sanctions and other financial and enforcement measures on additional Russian officials and elites close to the Russian government, as well as their families, and their enablers to identify and freeze the assets they hold in our jurisdictions. We will also engage other governments and work to detect and disrupt the movement of ill-gotten gains, and to deny these individuals the ability to hide their assets in jurisdictions across the world.  

Finally, we will step up or coordination against disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare.  

We stand with the Ukrainian people in this dark hour. Even beyond the measures we are announcing today, we are prepared to take further measures to hold Russia to account for its attack on Ukraine."






On Saturday at 10:00 AM EST, President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Devi Harris will participate in a secure call with their national security team to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine and Russia’s premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack.  

On Sunday, President Biden has no public events scheduled.






At 10:00 AM EST, President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Devi Harris participate in a secure call with their national security team to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine and Russia’s premediated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack.  

On Sunday, February 26, 2022, Vice President Harris will be in Washington, DC. The Vice President has no public events scheduled.






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