[ASL] Leaders Summit on Climate - Day 1

First Source
Thursday, April 22, 2021

The United States of America


[ASL] Leaders Summit on Climate - Day 1
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

WASHINGTON DC - President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Host [ASL] Leaders Summit on Climate - Day 1, on Wednesday, April 22, 2021.


8:00 am – Session 1 Raising Our Climate Ambition

President Biden and Vice President Harris will open the inaugural session of the Summit. This session will underscore the urgent need for the world’s major economies to strengthen their climate ambition by the time of COP 26 to keep the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius within reach. It will provide an opportunity for leaders to highlight the climate-related challenges their countries face and the efforts they are undertaking, and to announce new steps to strengthen climate ambition.

11:45 am – Session 2 Investing in Climate Solutions

This session will highlight the urgent need to scale up climate finance; efforts to increase public finance for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries; and efforts to shift trillions of dollars of private investment to finance the transition to net zero by 2050.

12:45 pm – Session 3 (Breakout Sessions, Round 1) Adaptation and Resilience

This session will highlight the climate adaptation and resilience challenges faced by all countries, especially those most vulnerable to climate impacts, and cutting-edge approaches to strengthening resilience in the face of climate change and climate variability.

2:00 pm – Session 3 (Breakout Sessions, Round 2) Climate Security

This session will highlight the global security challenges posed by climate change, the impact on the military and readiness, and efforts underway to address the threat multipliers to energy, economic, and national security.


PRESIDENT JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN, JR. ~ Thursday, April 22, 2021  

In the morning, President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Devi Harris of the United States of America will present remarks at the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate Session 1. President Biden will participate in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate Session 1: Raising Our Climate Ambition in the White House East Room.

Then, President Biden will receive the President’s Daily Brief in the White House Oval Office at 10:00 AM.

After, President Biden will participate in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate Session 2: Investing in Climate Solutions at the White House East Room at 10:30 AM.

In the afternoon, President Biden will have lunch with Vice President Harris in the White House Private Dining Room at 12:00 PM.

Later, President Biden and Vice President Harris will receive a briefing from members of their COVID-19 Response Team on the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of vaccinations in the White House Oval Office at 3:45 PM.


VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA DEVI HARRIS ~ Thursday, April 22, 2021  

At 8:00 AM EDT, Vice President Kamala Devi Harris of the United States of America will present remarks at the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate opening session at the White House East Room in Washington, DC, USA.

At 10:00 AM EDT, Vice President Harris will convene a roundtable of foundation leaders on the Northern Triangle at Vice President Harris’s Ceremonial Office in Washington, DC, USA.

At 12:00 PM EDT, Vice President Harris will have lunch with President Biden in the White House Private Dining Room.

At 3:45 PM EDT, President Biden and Vice President Harris will receive a briefing from members of their COVID-19 Response Team on the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of vaccinations in the White House Oval Office.


BRIEFING SCHEDULE ~ Thursday, April 22, 2021  

At 1:30 PM, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, and National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy will brief the White House Press at the White House West Wing Brady Press Room in Washington, DC, USA on Thursday, April 22, 2021.


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